Landau Education Group
Ana səhifə
Business English Instructor (Leznik&Co.) - evening shift

Business English Instructor (Leznik&Co.) - evening shift




Main responsibilities:

- Planning, preparing and delivering lessons;

- Teaching according to individual needs and abilities of the students;

- Preparing and developing a course of study and materials;

- Ensuring high standards of quality of teaching;

- Assessing and recording student progress/providing feedback;

- Managing the diverse ability levels of students;

- Providing safe and positive learning environment.


- Bachelor's degree in relevant field; 

- Certification in relevant field;

- A minimum of 1-2 years of proven experience as a teacher in relevant field;

- Knowledge of teaching methods;

- Record of results from former students (copies of student's certificates);

- Computer literacy;

- Good writing and editing skills;

- Good communication skills;

- Time management;

- Attention to detail.

Terms and conditions: 


- Compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code; 

- Salary by agreement.

Vakansiya haqqında

Son tarix

April 23, 2025


mart 14, 2025

Vakansiya növü

Yarım ştat

